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Bringing our Community Together
The Yogi Community

We are hoping to offer funded yoga sessions for children and older adults in the community. Your input is invaluable to help us understand the community's needs. There are only 7 questions.


Answers are completely anonymous, unless you wish to leave any contact information.




Please answer all the questions below.  If you would like to be contacted about this questionnaire, please add your email address in the field at the end. 


Alternatively, please email us at

Yogi Group yoga pose school childrens yoga ragdoll
Yogi Group yoga pose school childrens yoga moon
Yogi Group yoga pose school childrens yoga ragdoll

Questionnaire for Adults CIC002A

For Teachers, Parents, Staff, Family or Community Members

How would you describe the level of stress or need for relaxation among children and older adults in your community?
High - children and older adults would benefit from stress relief.
Moderate - some might benefit.
Low - it doesn't seem to be an issue.
Have you observed any benefits of yoga or relaxation exercises for children or older adults?
Yes, I've seen positive effects (e.g., improved mood, focus, or well-being).
I've heard about benefits but haven't observed them directly.
No, I'm unsure about the benefits of yoga.
Do you think children and older adults in your community would benefit from spending more time together?
Yes, it would build stronger community connections.
Maybe, but they might need help finding activities to share.
No, I'm not sure it's necessary.
What kinds of activities do you think would appeal to both children and older adults?
What are the challenges in bringing children and adults together for yoga sessions?
How do you think these yoga sessions could benefit your community?
Would you support/participate in a program like this (e.g., attending or encouraging others to attend)?
Yes, I'd actively support it.
Maybe, depending on the structure.
No, I don't see a need for this program.
Yogi Group yoga pose school childrens yoga moon
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