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The Yogi Group CIC
The Yogi Community

Addressing mental health issues amongst our communities is vital and we believe that now has never been a more appropriate time to support our children  and adults with emotional and self-regulation.

The Yogi Community is proud to be able to provide a comprehensive and inclusive wellbeing and inclusion programme, which meets the ever changing needs of our local community.

In order to form an holistic approach to mental health education, we recognise that no one service alone will be able to meet CYPs emotional well-being and mental health needs. As such, we work together and communicate with other teams involved in mental health care and education,


These activities provide support to:

  • Children and young people

  • Vulnerable adults

  • Adults within the education sector

  • Families

  • Adults and children with low socioeconomic status/mental health disorders


The CIC will help the community by running sessions and providing resources to improve  health and wellbeing. We will build resilience by delivering programmes that combine yoga, mindfulness, health and nutrition.


These programmes will improve physical and mental health, creating a healthy output that impacts on all areas of personal development.

Yogi Group yoga pose school childrens yoga ragdoll
Yogi Group yoga pose school childrens yoga moon

If you would like any further information please get in touch

Yogi Group yoga pose school childrens yoga moon
Yogi Group yoga pose school childrens yoga ragdoll
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