In this download, you'll get a series of eleven beautifully created resources, aimed at children between the ages of 2-7 years.
All the resources are themed with our loveable characters, Hilary the Hedgehog and Squeaky the Squirrel and go hand in hand with our Yogi Blossoms programme - have a look at bundling these resources with yogi videos and yogi time stories for savings and a complete approach to mindfulness, resilience and mental health.
The resources follow EYFS and KS1 framework and help children to develop mark-making skills, along with literacy, numeracy and emotional regulation.
These resources can be completed independently, or alongside parents, teachers or family, or they could be done in a group to open up conversations about emotions and feelings.
This set of resources would be ideal for home education, parents or for teachers wanting to give their pupils that little bit extra in the classroom.
Printable Literacy, Numeracy and Mental Health Resources
Purchasing a digital version of our resources makes them easily accessible and available for all - you can print them at home or use them on your tablet or phone to display to everyone!
Digital downloads will be in the form of a PDF file. This will be available on the Thank You page once you've paid and will also be emailed to you when you complete your purchase.
Our downloads are either contained in one document or one zip file, so there's no need to download multiple documents.